Hank Steinbrenner is his father’s son. Though some believe he will rule the Evil Empire differently than his father, there’s no question that his reign will feature the same bombastic gems that made George Steinbrenner the personality that he was (is?).
Following the scuffle between his Yankees and the Devil Rays last week, Steinbrenner the Younger said, “I don’t want these teams in general to forget who subsidizes a lot of them, and it’s the Yankees, the Red Sox, Dodgers, Mets. I would prefer if teams want to target the Yankees that they at least start giving some of that revenue sharing and luxury money back.”
Well, Hank, if every small market team is supposed to roll over and play dead when the mighty Yankees come to town, then what’s the point of playing them? Maybe you could shorten New York’s schedule so that the Yanks face only the Red Sox, Dodgers, and Mets. The boys of summer could be the boys of June, and you could rush right back to your horse farm.
Just because the team is a mega-million dollar business that helps support the baseball infrastructure does not give the Yankees a free pass when facing any team whose combined salaries cost less than a square yard of sod at the new palace of pompousness in the Bronx. These other teams are not children who must bow to the paternalism of the Yankees. These are gritty, hard-nosed players who hold the same bats, wear the same helmets, and sport the same jocks that the Yankees do. To suggest that the Yankees are more important than any other team, and therefore, somehow untouchable, is arrogant and absurd.
People may hate the Yankees, but no one is trying to sweep the leg and no one is saying they are not talented. At the end of the day, everyone knows that playing a high-caliber team only makes opponents step up. Playing hard against the Yankees is a sign of respect for a ball club that has shaped the game for a century. But if the men in pinstripes want to clutch that sense of entitlement and want to believe they should be mollycoddled purely because their payroll is more inflated than a Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon, then go right ahead… but they better not expect to win a World Series that way.
"Steinbrenner The Younger"
Geeeez, come on Yankees, get over it!! I'm so done with money and baseball, b/c the truth is, does anyone playing this sport deserve so much money? How about some comments on the Yankees' passion for the game or something a little more inspirational? Wouldn't the world be a better place if we didn't have bullies! AARRGH!
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